A Thank You Letter to our Viewers – Simply the Best


A Thank You Letter to our Viewers - from the Luisa Marshall Team - Simply the Best

To Our Wonderful Viewers,

We are so grateful to have had such positive feedback from so many of you after airing Simply the Best – The Luisa Marshall Show’s episode “Let’s Stop Bullies” featuring Raquel Delfin Padilla and Jordan Ninkovich. We feel so overwhelmed and thankful to have over 300 likes to our Let’s Stop Bullies blog. Now, 300 may not be a big number to many of you, but to us it surely means a lot.

We’ve been on air on the Shaw Multicultural Channel for 4 years now, but Simply the Best is a very small local production here in Vancouver. We don’t have any fancy professional graphic designers, sound crews, cameramen, script writers, hair and makeup artists, assistants… etc. Although we’d love to have all of that someday, today and for the past 4 years, we have been doing it all ourselves with the help of very generous friends and sponsors.

We put in so much time and hard work into our show and are just so appreciative of the feedback we’ve been receiving by private messages, emails and phone calls. Thank you so much for watching our show and thank you so much for your support.

As a way of saying thanks we, the Luisa Marshall Team, have decided to post all of our recent episodes of this year in full. Now you can watch this year’s past episodes here on our Website or on our YouTube Channel.

Again, thanks so much for your support and we hope you enjoy our little gift to you.


All the Best,

The Luisa Marshall Team


About Author

The Luisa Marshall Team is a rockin' group who have teamed up together to help and support the amazingly talented, gorgeous, kind and generous Luisa Marshall! Woo hoo!! We Love Her!!


    • Hi Racz! The likes is over 350 now and it’s still going up. The viewers really love it. The team will soon post the full episode right here on this site so please tell your friends to watch out for it…. coming soon! Please don’t forget to like this link. Hope you’re wearing pink today.