Lots of Love Spring Tour 2017
Blogs: Part 1 (BC)
Here you’ll find Part 1 of Luisa’s Lots of Love Spring Tour 2017. You’ll find lots and lots of pics, a few words from Luisa and of course lots and lots of Love!!
For Part 2 (Alberta & Saskatchewan) of Luisa’s Lots of Love Tour 2017 Blogs – Click Here
For Part 3 (BC) of Luisa’s Lots of Love Tour 2017 Blogs – Click Here.
- Mary Winspear Theatre – Sidney, BC (February 24)
- Lake Cowichan Legion – Lake Cowichan, BC (February 26)
- Fore Bistro & Patio – Prince George,BC (March 10)
- Office Bar & Grill – Mackenzie, BC (March 11)
- Gitwangak Community Hall – Kitwanga, BC (March 13)
- Gitsegukla Hall – Gitsegukla, BC (March 14)
- Smithers Legion #63 – Smithers, BC (March 16)
- Houston Legion #249 – Houston, BC (March 17)
- Billy Barker Casino Hotel – Quesnel, BC (March 18)
- Lorenzo’s Cafe – Enderby, BC (March 23)
- Oliver Legion #97 – Oliver, BC (March 24)
- Kelowna Legion #26 – Kelowna, BC (March 25)
- Kamloops Cango Grannies Fundraiser @ Coast Kamloops Hotel & Conference Centre – Kamloops, BC (March 28)
- Revelstoke Legion #46 – Revelstoke, BC (March 29)
Mary Winspear Theatre
– Sidney, BC

Standing Ovation at Mary Winspear Theatre.
Date: February 24, 2017 – Friday
Time: 7:30pm-10:30pm
Place: Mary Winspear Centre
Address: 2243 Beacon Ave W, Sidney, BC V8L 1W9
SURPRISING MOST APPLAUDED SONG: A Million Reasons by Lady Gaga followed by Bad Romance. Just rehearsed it once during sound check. Then WOAH… MAGIC! It rocked the crowd.
After the show…. Had lots of red and white inside Betty… my tour bus. It’s always fun to be with the band Steve Marshall (drums), Kimi (guitar), Tota Mendez (vocals), Jojo Palermo (keyboards), Marlowe Mata (bass). Thank you, guys! You RAWK!!

Wine-ding down after the show with my fabulous band.
Lake Cowichan Legion
– Lake Cowichan, BC

Luisa with her Lake Cowichan dancers.
Date: February 25, 2017 – Saturday
Time: 7:30pm-10:30pm
Place: Lake Cowichan Legion #210
Address: 15 N Shore Rd, Lake Cowichan, BC V0R 2G0
SHOW RESCHEDULED TONIGHT! Due to the long power outage yesterday in the town of Lake Cowichan, the Legion 210 decided to re-schedule the show TONIGHT at 8PM. This is a sold out show but some people might not be able to come tonight so please check the Legion for tickets. Call 250-749-6041. We will be happy to see all the Tina fans tonight. Rock N Roll!!!
Date: February 26, 2017 – Sunday
The show was moved to February 26th due to power failure the night before. Thanks to all the people who came back to rock with us! It was an amazing Sunday at the Lake Cowichan Legion with awesome Tina Turner fans. Mwahsss!!!
CHEERS! Standing ovation! Had the best time with the Tina fans of Lake Cowichan Sunday night! So blessed to do the show despite the challenges today. Steve Marshall and I thanked all those who came tonight. Everybody had a most amazing time. Some people from out of town who came last night weren’t able to make it tonight. We apologized and thanks for your understanding. Hope to see y’all next time I come back to Vancouver Island in May. Thank you, Lake Cowichan! You rock!
Fore Bistro & Patio
– Prince George, BC

Selfies in Prince George.
Date: March 10, 2017 – Friday
Time: 7:30pm-10:30pm
Place: Fore Bistro & Patio
Address: 2601 Recplace Dr., Prince George, BC V2L 4S1
Show # 3: It was a wild wild night at the Fore! Haha! Surprised to see some old friends who came to watch the show.
Thanks to the Fore staff and management for the hospitality! The water in our tour bus Betty’s froze coz of the freezing weather. The Fore let us use the clubhouse shower room and banquet room to freshen up & chill.
It was indeed a very, very fun evening.
Office Bar & Grill
– Mackenzie, BC

Mackenzie Private Dancers.
Date: March 11, 2017 – Saturday
Time: 7:30pm-10:30pm
Place: Office Bar & Grill
Address: 80 Mackenzie Blvd., Mackenzie Blvd., Mackenzie, BC, V0J 2C0
SHOW # 4: It was a stunning rock n roll success at the Office Bar & Grill! It was our first time in Mackenzie and wild Tina fans had a funtastic night!
Super Shout Out to Rowell, manager of Office Bar & Grill for the amazing hospitality. He’s simply the best!!!
Thanks, Mackenzie! You rock!!!
Gitwangak Community Hall
– Kitwanga, BC

Elders Rock!
Date: March 13, 2017 – Monday
Time: 12pm-1:30pm
Place: Gitwangak Community Hall
Address: 216 Kitwanga Rd, Kitwanga BC
Show # 5: SO INSPIRED! So honoured to be invited to the Elders Celebration of 3 aboriginal nations of Gitwangak, Gitsegukla and Gitanyow. I’m so touched by the hospitality. Wow! Thank you for the presents. BTW… the Elders ROCK! We had such a blast!
Gitsegukla Hall
– Gitsegukla, BC

Children from Gitsegukla dance on stage with Luisa.
Date: March 14, 2017 – Tuesday
Time: 7:30pm-10:30pm
Place: Gitsegukla Hall
Address: Gitsegukla, BC
Show # 6: SO HONOURED! The little village of Gitsegukla invited us again to raise money for their dance group. It was a success! So happy to see a lot of people supporting the cause. Had so much fun with young children singing and dancing with me on stage. Lots of Love!
THANK YOU, GITSEGUKLA! Simply The Best!!!!
Smithers Legion #63
– Smithers, BC

Very enthusiastic crowd in Smithers!
Date: March 16, 2017 – Thursday
Time: 7pm-10pm
Place: Smithers Royal Canadian Legion #63
Address: 3840 1 Ave, Smithers, BC V0J 2N0
SPEECHLESS! Show # 7! Very enthusiastic crowd! Nice to be back in Smithers even in the freezing Spring weather. So happy to see longtime friends and supporters of 27 years since my Hall of Fame Band days!
SUPER SHOUT OUT TO: The Legion for having us for the second time. AWESOME TURNOUT on a Thursday.
OUR LOVE TO the Ramoses family Marylou Ramos Hutchinson and Liza Ramos and their family and friends for coming. Thanks for the spring rolls, empanada, bread. WOW! Delicious!
Houston Legion #249
– Houston, BC

W-I-L-D in Houston!
Date: March 17, 2017 – Friday
Time: 7:30pm-10:30pm
Place: Houston Royal Canadian Legion #249
Address: 3480 11 St, Houston, BC V0J 1Z
SOLD OUT! Show # 8. Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in Houston is pretty W-I-L-D!! Thanks to the Tina fans and loyal supporters. Amazing night! Lots of Laughs!!!
Billy Barker Casino Hotel
– Quesnel, BC

Girl Power in Quesnel’s Billy Barker Casino!
Date: March 18, 2017 – Saturday
Time: 8pm-11pm
Place: Billy Barker Casino Hotel
Address: 308 McLean St, Quesnel, BC V2J 2N9
SHOW # 9: AWESOME CROWD! Met some new fans tonight! But it was nice to see friends from long time ago… unbelievable! The show room was simply the best!
Lorenzo’s Cafe
– Enderby, BC

Rockin’ in the funky little town called Enderby.
Date: March 23, 2017 – Thursday
Time: 7pm-10pm
Place: Lorenzo’s Cafe
Address: 901 Enderby Mabel Lake Rd, Enderby, BC V0E 1V5
WHERE’S ENDERBY? That was I asked Steve Marshall when he said we were going there. The City of Enderby is in the North Okanagan region of the Canadian province of British Columbia, between Armstrong and Salmon Arm. It is approximately 80 km north of Kelowna and 130 km east of Kamloops.
Glad to rock this funky little town. Met some wild Tina fans. Very, very receptive and cool!
Thanks to Lorenzo for the making it happen. Lorenzo’s Cafe is a hot spot for live entertainment in Enderby.
Oliver Legion #97
– Oliver, BC

AMAZING Night at the Oliver Legion! Standing Ovation! Wow!
Date: March 24, 2017 – Friday
Time: 7pm-10pm
Place: Oliver Royal Canadian Legion #97
Address: 6417 Main St, Oliver, BC V0H 1T0

Thanks for the gifts!!
AMAZING TURN OUT! Standing ovation in the Wine Capital of Canada! Haha! Beautiful people and lots of talented singers. We also got amazing gifts from amazing people! The best red and white wine. Whatta night!
Thank you Oliver, BC! You rock! You made our first time in your town so memorable!
Super Shout Out:
Lilly Zekanovic – Entertainment Committee
Peter Mackenna – President, Oliver Legion #97
To the staff and management! Thanks for the red wine!
Shout out to Leni B. Stevens. Thanks for the wine. Unbelievable that you came to see my show here in Canada after we first met in Bermuda. Wow! Mwahsssss 😀
SADLY. Life is sometimes complicated and full of uncertainties. We all have different views, opinions, beliefs and principles. But who’s to judge the men and women who served our country. Whatever happened… we are proud and honoured that Nick served our country in Afghanistan since he was 17 yrs old. He suffered from PTSD. Our heartfelt sympathies to his family and friends.
His father and step mom just watched my show last Friday in Oliver, BC. They were just having a blast dancing and singing. They were also very generous to bring me a gift – a bottle of wine after the show. Warm hugs to you Gary and Leni Stevens.
Photo by Jessica Hedrick – Face of Kelowna

Portrait of Nick Stevens by Jessica Hedrick. Face of Kelowna.
Kelowna Legion #26
– Kelowna, BC

Sold Out in Kelowna again! Kelowna ROCKS!
Date: March 25, 2017 – Saturday
Time: 7:30pm-10:30pm
Place: Kelowna Legion #26
Address: 1380 Bertram St, Kelowna, BC V1Y 2G1
SOLD OUT!!! 2 years ago, our show was sold out, too. Luv, luv Kelowna! There were lots of familiar happy faces. We also met new Tina Turner fans. WOW! It was a bit crowded but we had a big BLAST!
Thanks to the Kelowna Legion staff and management for opening your doors again! We’re so honoured. Big hugs to Art Pedde (entertainment manager).
Luv ya, Kelowna!!!!!
Kamloops Cango Grannies Fundraiser
@ Coast Kamloops Hotel & Conference Centre
– Kamloops, BC

Kamloops Cango Grannies Fundraiser standing ovation.
Date: March 28, 2017 – Tuesday
Time: 7pm-10pm
Place: Coast Kamloops Hotel & Conference Centre
Address: 1250 Rogers Way, Kamloops, BC V1S 1N5
ABSOLUTELY MARVELOUS! “Grannies Go Wild” was just funtabulous. Congratulations to the CanGo Grannies! It was nice to see familiar faces in the crowd… Donna, Melanie, Brittany, Torie! It was such a blast!
Super shout out to Jane Facey! So honoured to be a part of the CanGo Grannies to raise funds for the beautiful orphans with HIV or AIDS being raised by their Grandmothers.
Thanks for the standing ovation Kamloops! What an awesome Tuesday night.
Funds raised go to the Stephen Lewis Foundation and will go to supporting grandmothers raising grandchildren in Sub-Sahara because their own children died of AIDS.
Revelstoke Legion #46
– Revelstoke, BC

Sold Out in Revelstoke!
Date: March 29, 2017 – Wednesday
Time: 7:30pm-10:30pm
Place: Revelstoke Legion #46
Address: 600 1 St W, Revelstoke, BC V0E 2S0
OH REVELSTOKE! You woke up on a Wednesday… you rock to the max! Sold out crowd had a blast. Lots of love in the Legion with happy Tina fans!
Thanks to Ed, president, for the warm welcome and for helping us set-up and tear down PA. We hope to see you next year.
To Shelley and the staff, you guys are simply the best! Thanks for making our first time in Revelstoke very enjoyable.
Happy to make the people of Revelstoke happy!
For Part 2 (Alberta & Saskatchewan) of Luisa’s Lots of Love Tour 2017 Blogs – Click Here
For Part 3 (BC) of Luisa’s Lots of Love Tour 2017 Blogs – Click Here.